Why see a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner?

Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner in Tralee County Kerry

Joan upholds Dr. Bach’s ideas of self-help and always endeavours to treat people as individuals. As individuals we react differently to our own situations, which in time can in turn have an effect on our mental and emotional wellbeing. This can then lead to a disturbance in the function of body organs and tissues..


A consultation may take up to 1 hour. The most effective mix is always one chosen for you personally which is decided during the consultation based on the discussion you have with your practitioner.
Joan will help you decide on the best mix for how you feel right now. Joan aims to teach you the remedies as you go, so that you will be able to help yourself and your family in future – but always be able to call on your practitioner for help and assistance when you need it.

The Remedies

The remedies help to evict from our systems negative emotions, fears and unwanted states of mind. Your selected remedies will restore inner harmony and peace of mind.

Joan O’Reilly is a registered Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner.
You will leave Joan’s clinic with a Bottle of Bach Flower Remedies specific to you as an individual.

Read more about Dr. Edward Bach and his Bach Flower Remedies.

Read more about the 38 Remedies